1. Click on the number buttons , , etc. that matches the number shown in the abacus. Numbers are entered from left to right. Note: O-Ones | T-Tens | H-Hundreds
2. For some of the questions, click icon to hear the question.
3. When your answer is complete, click on the button. If the answer is not correct, the correct answer will be displayed.
4. Click button to go to the next question. You cannot go to the next question without answering the present question.
5. Click button to clear the answer box.
6. If 'select the option' message is displayed even though you have selected an option, try to select the option again and then submit.
7. If the answer that you have entered matches with the answer displayed, you can consider your answer as correct. You can inform us about this by clicking the link below.
8. If entered number does not display in the answer box, you may try to refresh the page.
9. While practicing do not open more than 1 wwolt.com page in the same browse. This may give incorrect answer.
10. If you find any issue with the question, you can inform us about it by clicking the link below.
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